“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken”
Oscar Wilde
Southern vibes today? Nah! Stick around and you’ll definitely taste the south in my words. I’m already off track! Well, that’s just the thing. This blog is about…EVERYTHING… transparency in the clouds. Over the last few years, my journey has been a ball of raveled yarn. In a world full of popular followers, I choose to be vulnerable and talk about what’s real to me. And I’m sharing this experience with you. A story of being undone… A story of being perfectly human. A story of my beauty marks. This is in service to the world, but most importantly, myself.
Shit is the best fertilizer they say!
Known fact: No one is perfect. But, what I am, and what I’m deciding to be, is unflinchingly honest as I continue to dig. That’s what being a creative is all about, right? Acknowledging your truth and being honest with the world about it through expression. Yeah, that sounds good…so I’ll stick with it. Everyone’s life experience is unique. In this universe, I am a listener. A sorter of all things. This is my effort to fearlessly commit to self and be somewhat intellectually expressive. All while sharing my many life experiences with you. I would by no means label myself a writer. I despised all things related to literature and history as a youngin’. So drop the mental edits here please.
My goal is to be the best version of myself at all times. Self-embracing! I’m pushing my mental boundaries. I’m elevating my level of thought. Now your responsibility is to remind me of these very things when you see me slipping. BUT BE EASY KILLA!
Come on in! Make yourself comfortable… or uncomfortable. I’m glad you are here either way! For you, I’ll also throw in a few snippets of my life and lifestyle. Welcome to my world.